Welcome to our user guide, we hope you will find what you are looking for, if not just ask us.
To add your logo, please go to:
Settings-> Business
And upload your logo.
For great results, upload a logo which is 200px wide at most.
You may add a short piece of text which will show on all your invoices.
That could be payment information, or anything you would like it to be.
Just Navigate to:
The logo you upload under your business settings is used for both the invoice, and email signature.
To change it go to: Business->Settings
You can track your expenses pretty much on the same was as you manage your clients.
From the main nav go to:
Expenses->Add Supplier
You are now able to add as many supplier invoices as you wish. You can also categorize the suppliers, which will be really usefull when generating some reports, including your income report.
Yes, in fact that is quite simple.
Just go to: Reports->Invoice List
You will then be able to fileter by date, Payment Status, or Type (client or supplier)
To download all your invoices and back them up locally just go to Reports -> Batch export Invoices.
Select the date range of your invoices, and hit Go.
Hint: Please note that if you have many invoices a long date range my be quite slow, so select a few months at time.
There is no minimum term contract. Subscriptions will only run for as long as they are paid for.